Gwyneth Paltrow appears in a jewellery supplement in the August 2011 edition of Vanity Fair Photo: Mark Seliger /VANITY FAIR
Paltrow, who turns 40 later this year, appears as Miss August in a special Vanity Fair on Jewellery calendar.
Last year, she disclosed that she had followed-an arduous regime to get into shape wearing skimpy shorts to promote her film Iron Man 2.
On her website, Goop, she detailed the process.
After a 7am cup of green tea, breakfast is either a "Think Thin" protein bar or a "Clean Shake" comprising almond milk, powder supplements and "a handful of blueberries (optional)".
Then it is a 90-minute workout followed by a glass of kale juice - "a sort-of grassy-lemonade" - and on to a lunch of "super low carb, low calorie tortilla wraps".
Paltrow's recipe for Lemony Grilled Chicken to accompany the wrap is as follows: "Marinate chicken breast in lemon juice and a tiny (emphasis on tiny) bit of olive oil. Season well and grill. Serve with the steamed vegetable or vegetable salad of your choice."
An afternoon-snack of almonds or organic fermented tea is followed by Anderson's "super-low calorie" turkey kale soup for dinner.
A month earlier, she gave an interview to Vogue in which she said of her enviable figure: "Oh, I had to work hard to get it like this, but now I'm here it's so great because I don't have to think-about it. I can just enjoy life. What a relief that is.
"I can eat-what I want as long as I exercise, which is just as well, because if I put the word 'diet' into my brain, I immediately gain a stone."
Paltrow, an Oscar-winning actress, is married to Chris Martin, the Coldplay singer.
She regularly dispenses fashion advice through her site and recently teamed-up with a shopping website to select a handful of wardrobe "basics". She faced accusations of being out of touch when the price of her "capsule wardrobe" turned-out to be £11,894.
In March, the actress-signed a deal worth £560,000 with Atlantic Records for her debut album.
The move followed one of her roles in a recent film, Country Strong, in which she played a country singer.
She recently sang on the hit television series Glee, at the Country-Music-Awards and at the Grammys-where she performed Forget-You with Cee Lo Green - and at the Oscars, where she performed the nominated song-Coming Home.