If you are a fashion fan with limited budget, if you are a handbag lover who prefers to replica handbags, you’d better not miss every move of Chanel in order to catch the trend. Blake Lively was chosen as the face of Chanel’s advertising campaign for their new Mademoiselle handbag.

You have been shocked by her various looks on the red carpet, in fashion magazines and her super-close proximity to the drool-worthy wardrobe of her alter ego, Serena van der Woodsen. However, the following pictures will impress you again.
In the first image from the ad campaign, this “Gossip girl” star pressed up against a mirror, clad in a black feathered Chanel top with a red patent Mademoiselle bag slung over her shoulder.
“I have such a respect for fashion and such an appreciation for it that if there are people like Karl Lagerfeld out there designing, who am I? I want to bow down to them and be a representative for them if they’ll have me,” she tells WWD.
She revealed, “I had other opportunities and I would say, ‘Thank you so much, but I am holding out for Chanel.’ That’s who I want to be the face of. And people would say, ‘Well, that’s unrealistic, they only hire Europeans,’ and I said: ‘Well, how great. I’ll be the first then.’”
Blake Lively has certainly become fashion’s newest favorite – she’s been praised as “the Jackie O. of her time” and an “American dream girl” and it seems the kind words won’t let up any time.
Actually, I’m not a big fan of Blake Lively, but she looks beautiful and gorgeous near to this luxury handbag collection. Are you interested in those fabulous handbags? There also are wholesale handbags available in the market and you will find a perfect one.

You have been shocked by her various looks on the red carpet, in fashion magazines and her super-close proximity to the drool-worthy wardrobe of her alter ego, Serena van der Woodsen. However, the following pictures will impress you again.
In the first image from the ad campaign, this “Gossip girl” star pressed up against a mirror, clad in a black feathered Chanel top with a red patent Mademoiselle bag slung over her shoulder.
“I have such a respect for fashion and such an appreciation for it that if there are people like Karl Lagerfeld out there designing, who am I? I want to bow down to them and be a representative for them if they’ll have me,” she tells WWD.
She revealed, “I had other opportunities and I would say, ‘Thank you so much, but I am holding out for Chanel.’ That’s who I want to be the face of. And people would say, ‘Well, that’s unrealistic, they only hire Europeans,’ and I said: ‘Well, how great. I’ll be the first then.’”
Blake Lively has certainly become fashion’s newest favorite – she’s been praised as “the Jackie O. of her time” and an “American dream girl” and it seems the kind words won’t let up any time.
Actually, I’m not a big fan of Blake Lively, but she looks beautiful and gorgeous near to this luxury handbag collection. Are you interested in those fabulous handbags? There also are wholesale handbags available in the market and you will find a perfect one.
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