Remona Moodley is a 23 year old Electrical Engineer and Miss SA 2011 First Princess who describes herself as being ambitious, spontaneous and dynamic. Whilst juggling her studies and preparing for the Miss SA Pageant Remona started The Fund A Dream Foundation , a registered non-profit organisation . The Foundation aims to source funding for talented young South Africans to prevent financial constraints from stifling their dreams.
Rozziki caught up with Remona to ask her a few questions about beauty, fashion and her plans for the future.
1) Describe yourself in a few words
I am a 23 year old ambitious, spontaneous, dynamic woman. I thrive on exceeding the expectations and disproving the misconceptions that we as women are confined by. There is very little I am not interested in and could be described as a little scatterbrained. The world is full of such exciting opportunities so I am sometimes like a bugged-eyed kid in a candy store not knowing what to grab first. The most amazing experience in my life was attending the World Economic Forum in Switzerland in 2010 as a brand ambassador for South Africa to promote the 2010 World Cup.
2) Competing in the Miss SA 2011 and being crowned first princess is certainly a great experience and achievement. What has this journey been like?
The journey to the finals was particularly difficult for me seeing as I was completing the final stretch of an Electrical Engineering degree amidst the Miss South Africa preparations. Miss South Africa was such a fantastic experience but it was also much more difficult than I thought it would be. The reality show helped in giving South African’s an insider’s view of the pageant but viewers missed out on some interesting things when the cameras were not around. An example is our night time boot camp sessions in pyjamas down the corridor of the hotel followed by current affairs brush-up sessions. We really were a close group and it was easy to forget that we were competing for the same thing. Even though the Miss South Africa experience entails months of preparation, a crazy workout routine, limited sugar and carbs and swollen ankles from walking in heels; I still recommend it to all young women because it is all worth it.
3) What is your dress style?
I like to wear clothes that are more classic than trendy and try to portray sophistication and elegance in my styling choices.
4) Do you have a beauty regime?
I am rather easy going with my beauty regime. For Miss South Africa, I rubbed bio oil on my body twice a day and once a week I would apply a little to my face at night. I have very course, dry hair and found that rubbing coconut oil in once a week and leaving overnight before drying out helps keep my hair shiny.
5) What are you favourite South African fashion and beauty brands?
My favourite South African designers are Gavin Rajah, JJ Schoeman, Malcom Kluk CGDT
6) Your most expensive splurge to date?
I must admit that I am not a huge fan of shopping, yes a woman that does not like to shop! I do not own a single clothing item that I have paid more than R2500 for. I have a Gucci belt and sunglasses that I splurged a little on and was lucky enough to be gifted a gorgeous Gucci wallet. I also managed to find a Gavin Rajah dress marked at R11000 for R1000 at an end of season sale and a gorgeous vintage Diane Von Furstenberg crochet dress and cardigan for R1000 at a second hand store. I have a few gems I have found while being thrifty.
7) What fitness tips would you share with young women?
I found that a great weight routine works wonders. If you could find a boot camp group in your area join immediately. Exercising is a group does not only encourage you to push your body further but is also fun. I would also recommend hot yoga which is yoga in a heated room. You literally sweat litres but it is fantastic for circulation, cellulite and your skin.
I am one of those people who work better under pressure and find myself achieving more when I have more on my plate. I think it would be safe to say that juggling the two forced me to manage my time more efficiently.
9) Do you have any advice for young women?
As women, we are also told what we can do and what we can’t, what is possible and what isn’t and what we can be and what we can’t. The great thing about expectations and stereotypes is that they give us women the power of surprise. So while the world puts you and your abilities in a box, be a jack-in-the-box, jump out and surprise the world!
10) What are your plans for 2012?
I chose to start work in April this year so that I could dedicate myself 100% to the Fund-A-Dream Foundation full-time. We are hosting our first Educate to Motivate scholarship ceremony on the 24th January where 5 learners will be receiving scholarships worth R5000 and all 660 other learners will be gifted stationery packs to kick-start their year. The scholarships will cover a school uniform with blazer, school bag with stationery, study guides and tutoring for the year.
The Fund-A-Dream Foundation is also offering a cash prize of R1000 for the highest achieving matriculant and R500 for every distinction received for Maths and Science.
I would love to also take a trip to Thailand before I begin work as a Business Analyst for one of the top 3 global consulting firms in the world in April 2012.
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